Top 8 Free NFT Promotion Methods

At the stage of creating your own NFT, you should already have a question: “How to promote the NFT so that they want to buy it?” This is not a simple task and below are some recommendations:

1. Be sure to create a themed community. Do not assume that if you have 10.000 subscribers on Instagram or YouTube, where you previously discussed, for example cooking or goods from Amazon, that many of them will be interested in your collection NFT. It is important to gather people around you who, like you, are passionate about the same idea.

Grow up your NFT community

2. Try to build your community before you even start your project. Start with Twitter and Discord, popular online resources in the NFT sphere. Of course, you can also develop Instagram and Reddit, and maybe Quora, but their effectiveness is much lower. Your goal is to create a loyal audience for your project by the time you launch your NFT. Be consistent and creative.

Make sure you know and understand enough about NFTs before buying your first NFT.

Anuj Jasani

3. Analyze the social media of popular NFT collections. Pay attention to the visual NFT, what steps the creators of these projects took before they became successful. Maybe you’ll see something new for yourself or notice some kind of pattern, either way, it will be a rewarding experience.

Be honest and generous, it’s profitable!

4. Be yourself, be transparent and understandable to the community, don’t pretend to be something you are not. Sooner or later, this will come out and people will turn away from you. If you want to move in this direction in the long run, be honest.

5. If you’re starting your community from scratch and don’t know where to start, you can find themed groups on Telegram. People there are friendly and will help you at the initial stage with mutual subscriptions and likes on social networks. That way, you’ll get your first subscribers and you’ll get a boost to build your own community. In addition, there will be the confidence, which everyone lacks at the beginning of the path.

6. GIVEAWAY. To get new people into your community you can giveaway. For example, to take part in the giveaway, you need to tag three friends and sign up for a Twitter account. That should attract the attention of many people and help you create a community around your soft-project. If your project budget is small, you can use several free NFTs from your collection as a reward.

If the budget allows, you can use something like a giveaway of one Ethereum, because that will attract much more attention and make the project much more attractive compared to others. Hold a giveaway not too short to attract more people to your community. Plus, your NFTs will have their first owners, which means there will be fewer naysayers who don’t trust new collections.

Community Challenges and Influencers

7. Community Challenge. This method can be used by those who already have a small community. They can do whatever they want with their free NFTs. These conditions do not have to be permanent and can be very different. For example, a necessary condition could be to invite 10 people to your community in Discord.

The cool thing about this method is that it scales. Out of 10 people invited, a few people will definitely invite 10 people too, and so on. This is the so-called domino method. Among those who completed this challenge is drawing of one art, for example, once a week. Thus, the community will grow much faster.

8. Influencers. It can be popular people on Instagram, YouTube, or TikTok. Of course, their services cost money, but there is one way to get influencers to promote your soft-project, and that is to make them part of the project by paying them a percentage of sales. This is a great way to get your project promoted for free.

The good news is that influencers get paid based on how well they do their job. You may think that this way of promotion is unrealistic and none of the famous people in social networks will want to do business with you and your project, but I would like to point out that everything is in your hands and these people also want to earn a little more than what they have.

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